What You Should Be Looking for When Selecting a New Home Builder in Regina

When it comes to selecting a new home builder in Regina, there are a plethora of options. We are here to discuss the desirable traits that you should be on the lookout for when choosing a new home builder in the city.
Many builders share the same trades and suppliers and it might be that even when building a house with a certain builder, that the same trades that are contracted from other builders use the same workers. Even though the trades are the same, the quality of the inspection and what is acceptable to a builder may vary slightly.
Then what should we be looking for, you may ask?
Price, expertise and the value added that a new home builder in Regina provides to its clients.
Price — Will there be unwanted hidden fees? Will you be charged for every minor change and upgrade to your custom-built home? We pride ourselves in including features in our base price that some home builders would consider an “upgraded cost”. We do not use every customization as an opportunity to make more money. We also do not penalize our clients when they change their mind on aesthetic attributes in the house during the building process.
Expertise — Is essential when searching for a new home builder in Regina. The wealth of knowledge a builder provides to its clients is integral when the client is designing a house to ensure that the client/s will be completely satisfied once their house is finished. We find it imperative that we educate our clients on the design choices they select, as we want to ensure that the client is being guided in the right direction so that they are building their house as an investment.
Value Added — And last but not least, when choosing a new home builder in Regina, you want to pick a home builder that will not give you the cold shoulder once the transaction is complete. At Ultima Homes, we have a one-year home builder warranty program (like most new home builders in the city) but we do not believe our relationship ends after one year. We are a company that is in it for the long run, and that means our relationships are as well. Want to call us after a year? Go ahead! We would love to chat and see how we can help!
There you have it!
That my friends, is an insider perspective on what a buyer should be looking for when in the market for a new home builder in Regina.
Hopefully it helped! Any questions? Contact us here.